Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Vintage Millinery~ Prelude to a Spring Nest

"She set to work with pins and scissors, standing before the long mirror and draping the velvet about her head, and presently had evolved a charming little hat so like a distinctive imported one she had seen in a shop window, that one could scarcely have told them apart. Set on her golden hair, the bright little pin glittering perkily over the right eye, the effect was most becoming."
--Grace Livingston Hill, White Orchids

Vintage millinery, beautiful once before~
 in another life, in another time--

perhaps an adornment for a hat,
once belonging to a
beautiful lady~

For almost 2 years
I've been collecting, hoarding (!!)
exquisite millinery pieces~
pinks, blues, purple, yellow, cream--

so exquisite
they leave me breathless~

a collection that is so very

because it's all for YOU~

in my sketchbook is a nest design
that you have been asking for~

YOUR most requested

a little something
to welcome the season of "rebirth"

Coming next May-
my latest Designer nest~

"Vintage Spring" 
this vintage book - "The Gardener"-
was a gift to me from my dear friend 
(Petite Michelle Louise)
I've waited months to be able to use it in this photo shoot!
I love it SO much!

 these magnificent
vintage millinery pieces~

also adorning this beautiful nest
will be selections from my
vintage brooch

~~this is the part 
where "Yeller Feller"
steals the show!

As always~
I am joined in these designs
by some incredibly talented artists. 
Three dear friends,
each of them known and loved dearly
by so many of you~
will be my special guest contributors
for this
"Vintage Spring" nest.

Karen Bailey
Suzy Quaife
These talented ladies
are already at work on their special contributions~
perfect touches for this beautiful spring nest.
I'm SO excited for you to see their beautiful artistry!
(It's going to be amazing!!)

And my special blessing is 
that once again --
my best friend Mary 
will be helping me to bring these nests to life. 
You know it takes many hands to make
these nests so very

Presentation is everything~
you can count on your nest
to arrive packaged
Tissue and tags will be 
designed by my friend
Sue Kosec. 

There will be 30 nests available next
 May, 2014.
~You may email me now
for additional information
or to place your name
 on the RESERVED waiting

As you can see -- I had lots of help with the photo shoot!

No vintage millinery
was harmed in the taking of
these photos!!

I am so excited and proud to share with you the very special place
(so dear to my heart)
that will benefit from your purchase
of the
"Vintage Spring" nests.
The charitable donations from these nests
will be given to our brand new
Pediatric Addiction recovery center 
here in
Huntington, West Va. 

Lily's Place will be the new home of a regional and national leader in the care of babies suffering from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or drug addiction. 
Your contributions will be used to 
help us provide comfort 
to infants who 
suffer from 
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
(if our special cause has touched your heart,
and you would like to help
 in some small way~~
please feel free to email me.)

Some updates~
I am just finishing the last of the Shabby Chic nests!!!
(giveaway's forthcoming!!)
We have just returned from travels~ 
hiking out west near Sedona and Flagstaff.
(I am already at work on those magnificent photos-
and am looking forward to sharing our amazing travels with you!)
But-- up next~
the Spring Edition of the Pink Scarf project!! 
(oh my gosh--- wait till you see these pictures!!)

Love to you all~

ps -- The winners to my Vera Grateful Giveaway are now listed at the bottom of that post. Congrats to the lucky winners -- and to those that did not win --- more giveaways coming soon! xoxo


Lululiz said... 1

STUNNING!!! This Vintage Spring nest is absolutely amazing. You are quite incredible, my dear friend.

Acorn to Oak said... 2

Very pretty! And, the photos of Yeller Feller checking everything out are adorable! He's so cute!

Julie Marie said... 3

Hello beautiful friend... what an absolutely gorgeous post!... Hello kitty... Yeller Feller certainly does steal the show!... kitty kisses Yeller Feller, I love you!... Vicki, please place me on the list for a Spring nest!... May is my most favorite month of ALL... and next week it is my birthday, so of course I will need a special Spring nest next year to help me celebrate the whole month as I always do!... the vintage millinery pieces are so lovely and the stories they must have to tell... when my nest arrives next May (sooo far away...)... I will listen for those gentle "whispers from the past" as I call them from their previous owners... I love that you feel the same way I do about everything vintage and show such care and respect for it all... I will email you too, but I want one for sure... and you are the most generous lady I know... always donating your profits to such worthy causes... I love you too!... xoxo Julie Marie PS Hope you had a wonderful time in Arizona!

Eugenia Maru http://lulurulitos.blogspot.com said... 4

¡Bienvenida! Como siempre, nos muestras tus preciosos tesoros, me encanta tu gatito, amo a los animales. Tus nidos son maravillosos, me dan ganas de probar a hacer uno, jaja, pero no creo que me quedara ni un 1% de lo bello de los tuyos.
Espero las fotos de tus viajes maravillosos.
Un beso querida Vicki.

Unknown said... 5

my goodness but your "Vintage Spring" nests are going to be absolutely stunning! those millinery flowers are pure loveliness and don't get me started on vintage brooches (kindred spirits are we!!) wow! and "merci", mon amie, for your vey sweet words about the book i bestowed upon you. i am so very happy that you love it so. ;)


Your Vintage Spring Nests look exquisite in every way..and I am sure the money will be gratefully excepted by the new unit...and will be put to very good use.. Happy Spring. I wish you a glorious week. Hugs Judy

marda said... 7

Yeller Feller looks like he thinks there should be a sweet smell coming from those flowers! Your new spring nest looks to be another stunning piece. The vintage millinery, the vintage brooches and your 3 guests do fabulous work. I will (again) HAVE to put my name on that list.
I'm sure you enjoyed your trip to AZ. I've been in that area, just once, but it's magnificent isn't it?

Dogwood said... 8

I love looking at and reading your wonderful fabulous blog. Everything is so sweet and delicious.
I adore you cat. We have an orange tabby who is as curious as you cat as to whatever I am doing.
I have finished a little shawl for your Pink Scarf Project and now starting another. Once the second one is finished, I will get them mailed off to you. You do have a huge heart.
Thanks Cory/Dogwood

Fundy Blue said... 9

Hi Vicki! Yeller Feller certainly had fun checking out all the lovely flower pieces! I'm in awe of your creations! I am hopeless in this area! I just read more about your pink scarf project, so I'm going to keep my eyes open in the hopes of spotting a pink scarf to buy ~ since I'd be terrible at knitting one! Have a good one!

Unknown said... 10

Hi Vicki,
I'm working on my pink scarf, almost 3/4 of the way through.
Just wanted to let you know that I sent you an email to be put on your Spring nest 2014.

Hugs and love sent your way, many blessings to you.
Marilou xoxo

Carole said... 11

As always Vicki, everything looks amazing and the vintage nest looks fabulous. It's wonderful to not only see but also to feel the love and caring that goes into each nest. You are truly a precious gem. Carole xox

Karen B. said... 12

My sweet friend Vicki,
your nest is again beyond beautiful and I am so very grateful to be a tiny part of this adventure with you.
Thank you my dear friend from my heart to yours.
much love and many hugs
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

Createology said... 13

Vicki Dear as long as there are nests to knit your work will benefit so many wonderful causes. Bless you and your gift of generosity. Yeller Feller is beautiful and definitely got my attention. Blessings and Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

yaya said... 14

So beautiful! They are treasures and works of art...you outdid yourself and what a great charity. In that note I'd like to wish you Happy Nurses Week! I can't wait for the Pink Scarf project pics...I just received 2 more in the mail from Arizona! Neat surprise!

kathyinozarks said... 15

sounds amazing can't wait to see your spring nests

JShelby said... 16

I can't wait to see these finished nests!
And a meow for the Yeller Feller. "no vintage millinery was harmed in the making..." TOO funny!

SuZeQ said... 17

I know the Spring 2014 nests will be a.maz.ing. Your nests always area. Thank you so much for including me in this endeavor ... I can't wait. Thanks a bunch, my friend.

maggiegracecreates said... 18

Oh my --- once again these are amazing ----- I am on the shabby nest list and I am so excited to see mine. I read the blogs of each of your contributors too.

I'm hoarding some fun stuff too. time for me to be inspired to use my stuff.

Deborah said... 19

OMGoodness, delight and Joy!!! I LOVE the new nest ♥ And Kitty! Still greatly enjoying my nest from you from a few years ago.

**kisses** Deb

Linda said... 20

Beautiful post...gorgeous photos!

suziqu's thread works said... 21

Dearest Vicki
Such a very beautiful post dear friend and your Vintage Spring Nests will be absolutely stunning drawing on your very special collection of Vintage Millinery flowers and jewellery.
I am so very proud and grateful to be a part of each and everyone you create. Thank you dear friend for the invitation.
We all can't thank you enough for donating so much to Lily's Place.
You my friend are a gift to all of us!
Much love,

Mosaic Magpie said... 22

Thank you for allowing me to take part in your nesting project. Not only beautiful because of the nest design, but beautiful because of the little ones that will be helped.
From my heart to yours.

lynn cockrell said... 23

Your nests are going to be over-the-top gorgeous! Your Yeller Feller is a smart one, for sure. He really does look as if he expects to smell something sweet as he puts his nose to your pretty florals!

Cache-Mire said... 24

Oh my, Vicki...these are just going to be gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!


Derrith said... 25

What a breath taking post. I was transported for a few minutes! How can I find out the price for the nests? Thank you for sharing your amazing talent and approach to life.

gigi knits said... 26

Your new designer nest is going to be amazing . Just like all your nests ..I'm most waiting for Breast Cancer Nest.. Right now I 'm knitting 17 beautiful pink scarfs for the team my granddaughter Megan was organized to walk at the May 18th Susan B Komen walk in Syracuse NY..in memory of her amazing Mom & my sweet daughter-in-law Fonda Penoyer. So we will be traveling to NY .xoxo

Dorthe said... 27

Dear Vicki,
Your spring nest for next year is stunning with all the beauty, -those old millinery flowers are so wonderful, and so is old jewelery brooches and such!- they will be amazing sweet friend-
You are an incredibly woman, with the biggest heart,- and the power to try helping all over,- you are the sweetest person, my lovely Vicki.
Love and hugs,Dorthe

Unknown said... 28

Gorgeous and Stunning Vintage Nest. So many beautiful flowers and bling and all for a truly worthy cause!

Happy Nesting,

Suztats said... 29

Yeller Feller is so cute! A lovely post, Vicki, and beautiful millinery flowers. I'm so looking forward to seeing your new nests. A wonderful cause!

Unknown said... 30

Tanya has told me of you and your beautiful nests - and your giving soul. This is a beautiful place you've got here - going to love looking around! The vintage nests are to die for...absolutely stunning. Happy Mother's Day - Carole

Neesie said... 31

Hello Vicki,
Oh it's been so long since I visited you. I'm going to have to come back and check back on what's been happening.
This post is such a gorgeous beautiful feast for the eyes. As always your photos are fantastic!
I've just got back from the South Island of New Zealand. We had to check out the South Island after visiting the North Island at the end of last year.
I'm on my way now to catch up...looking forward to a wonderful time ;D

Astri said... 32

Soft pretty colors for the nests and such a worthy cause. What a wonderful collaboration!
Cracked me up re: "No Harm". hehe.

Looking forward to seeing scarves and update on hiking trip. We are headed on a similar trip and the end of the month...in Arizona, as well!

A good weekend to you Vicki!

Marsha said... 33

WOW,,,,I love that nest! The vintage flowers and brooches are beautiful! And Yeller Feller is perfect to showcase your new nesting!
I admire you so much for supporting your charities.... Keep up the wonderful work.....
^..^~~~ Marsha ^..^~~~

Unknown said... 34

The nests will be gorgeous - as are the other ones! I love that quotation from Grace Livingston Hill, big fan of her books :) Also quite jealous of your collections, must get my collections in high gear!!! :) Welcome home - Karen

Low Tide High Style said... 35

These nests will be absolutely beautiful, and for such a wonderful cause! I have a real weakness for vintage millinery, and how special to incorporate these lovely pieces into your gorgeous nests.

I can't wait to see your travel photos, I know I'll be longing to visit all of those wonderful places!


Beedeebabee said... 36

Sweet Girl, I am always amazed at what you do and your huge heart and giving ways! These nests will be amazing I'm sure, just like all your others. I can't wait to feast my eyes on them when they're done! ...I loved all your photos. Everything is so pretty, Vicki ... sooo beautiful! Wonderful cause too, my special friend. You are so the best!!! Sending you much love and wishes for a really fabulous Mother's Day. xoxo

Marlynne said... 37

As always, you take our breath away with such beauty and prose!

Esme said... 38

I always say that these may be your prettiest nests yet-these are so lovely. I like the concept of vintage nests. You always choose the best charities to donate to. Happy Mother's Day.

Mystica said... 39

Thank you for beautiful, beautiful photos.

Phyllis said... 40

Hi Vicki,

I love those vintage spring goodies that will make beautiful adornments on your spring nests. I remember items like those in stores and on pretty dresses when I was a young girl. Geez - guess that makes me vintage too! :)

Lili said... 41

Your sweet Yeller Feller was stealing my heart. Oh Vicki what a gorgeous vintage collection you are lovingly going to part with. You have created another stunning design...your creativity knows no bounds! xoxo

Rebekah@weliveinspired said... 42

Lovely! The adorable cat in the background makes it even more sweet. I often have cats checking out my creations too :D. I love all things vintage. In fact, I hosted a Vintage tea party for Mother's Day this year. It was such fun! We got dressed up in vintage dresses and I did an old hollywood glamor sort of look. Thanks for sharing your creations.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said... 43

Hope I'm not too late to get the2014 nest Would like it for my bathroom Laura